Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lucky Luke

Some describe it as fate, others as luck - what are the chances of something going right?

I've never considered myself to be a very lucky person, but in my belief, there is luck, not fate. Fate would suggest that there is a set path which things must take, but that would mean that whatever choice we make, we ultimately cannot change fate, which puts fate in the category of barbaric pointlessness. I'd pool it together with war. People who believe in fate, by my reckoning, ought to all be atheists, because they lead themselves into thinking that from birth their lives have been set. So no matter what good and ill deeds they commit they will not alter anything. Molds for life do not exist. Sorry to burst your bubble. Fate is for the weak minded, but please, prove me wrong. I relish in it.

As I mentioned above, I do not feel that I am very lucky, but does anyone? All you have to do is consider your life and realise how many good things that have occurred in it are due to luck. I committed some of my time to this today after waking up from a rather comfortable slumber on top of a bare knife. Luck is something that makes life interesting, although not movies. Luck in motion pictures has a tendency to be corny and expected. For example, protagonist has one last shot in his/her pistol and manages to shoot and kill the antagonist with all odds pitted against them. It does nothing to spur us mentally, it just keeps us comfortable to know that the good guy does not die. Luck in reality, on the other hand, is something of a phenomenon, because it can make one wonder, Whoa... How did that happen?

Near-death experiences, in my opinion, are all based on luck. The reason that luck fascinates me so is that there's no method of determining why and when it will strike. Of course, there is always the possibility that something will happen, no matter how slight the chance may be, but thinking realistically, there are just some things that oughtn't occur.

I'm encouraged to wonder if luck is deserved. Do people get lucky because a good turn is simply due to them? The obvious answer would be 'no, of course not'. Those with comfortable lifestyles are the ones with all the luck, while those who starve and live in poverty don't ever get a break. Luck could be an internal phenomenon, but I doubt it. There are so many external factors that affect the way in which things happen.

I myself believe that luck is a combination of strength of mind and external factors. Maybe luck doesn't even exist - it could simply just be a term that people use in order to convince themselves that many things are out of their control, even if they quite obviously aren't.



  1. SOMEbody watched Just my luck starring lindsay lohan last night ; )
    i don't HATE her.
    jst her personality

    essay essay!!!

  2. what a great post: D!go write for frankie magazine

    isnt luck to rich/poor ppl on own level like rich ppl- woo i found my dream top = luck
    poor ppl, woo i.. found a banana(?) = luck

    why was there a knife in ur bed

  3. RE: noo its true

    I like this post
    yeh I don't think there is such a thing called 'fate'
    luck: yeah. I think its just a term to describe a high that was not expected
    just an everyday thing that happens to random people

  4. haha yep red boy was cool as

    hm.. charith should i alter my blog layout...
    is it time for a change...

  5. but i've simplied and simplied
    into this simple form...
    can't abstract anymore

  6. no you see, he would be called 'Pretzel Man'

    there are boys, men and then grandpas
    e.g. italian boy, pretzel man, smiling grandpa

  7. i like this blog but i believe we create our own luck and also that it is amatter of perspective i consider the fact i somehow survive each day lucky
