Friday, February 27, 2009

Excuse Me, Your Ugly is Showing

It was while in the dreaded, pointless physics class that I allowed my thoughts to stray to a leisurely state of reminiscence. This is one of several measures that I must employ in order to contain my hatred for the rubbish excuse of an excuse for a teacher who finds the necessity to throw anyone within a 10 meter radius of her into a spiraling, mind numbed, driveling husk of something remotely human that I cannot place a finger on.

Items of perpetual hate on legs aside, that reclusive mind of mine decided to focus on the various figures of beauty which have graced my eyes over the few years that I've walked this earth. As I dwelled upon these thoughts, I recalled memories of some of these eye pleasers. I realised that all of them were not what they appeared. They all shared a tendency to be cold and arrogant. All people have their ugly sides, but it seems a little obvious that some are more hideous than others.

Why do pretty people tend to have uglier personalities? I don't even know my reasons for asking that when the answer is right in front of me. They simply have more confidence in themselves than others and put themselves above others because they believe that they have more to offer. It amuses me how conceited one can be, but they are out there and if anything, they like to flaunt themselves to every other 'ordinary' person.

I do sympathise for those with attractive physical characteristics. When you have the rest of society, comprising of like-minded people, remaining down to Earth is no simple task as everyone else lifts you up.

Indeed, I pity all you beautiful people. I beseech you, just stay in one spot and look pretty for all you're worth, else someone might pick up on how ugly you really are.



  1. I don't like pretty people - because they are so up themselves.
    but what's worse? - pretty people with great personalities!
    nahh just envious

    charith, you are beautiful!

    watch the video on my recent post
    doesn't it make you feel good?

  2. how did u know i had a ugly personality i was trying to keep that a secret nooo! ure shrewdness shall prove to be my undoing! Damn your infernal insight!!

  3. James Morrison is the best.
    but I changed the song..
    to Coldplay???
    I only have one song...

  4. hahah =]
    agreed. with sunny
    pretty people. SIGH

    but then SUNNY IS PRETTY

  5. pretty girls in yourrr basement

  6. threatened???
    how so??

    I blogged again..
    2 times today...

  7. Why
    I just post whenever I want to
    only takes a few mins of my day

    wtf an actual knife?
    like ann ACTUAL knife??

  8. wth so what was with the knife??????

  9. neh collages are too collage-y
    perhaps some colour yes...
    my fav colours = gray, dirty/army/foresty green and mustard

    what about you?
